Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A simpler form of Crack.

I have a problem. See I admitted it!!!!

I found another online game to occupy additional precious moments of my life which could likely be put to better use. The game is a newer port of a German version of the same. Its a browser based market simulation. I'd be in a better situation if I wasn't determined to corner the market on bananas and hold the other users hostage, but alas Total World Domination waits for no man.

The game is free. You can pay 2 euros a month for some extra bits and pieces, but it's not necessary.

In contrast to my previous obsession with Ultima Online Housing, (which by the way paid for the down payment on my first real house) this game is much less intensive. The community are a very nice group of people and very helpful. So, check it out:


Smoke away. The first one is free.

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