Sunday, March 4, 2007

Collision Avoidance Theory

(Originally posted 12/18/2006)

You see the problem is this:

Well no. Actually you're wrong. It's not so much a problem as it is an issue that, when inappropriately addressed, the results are problematic.

What are we talking about? Please do try and stay on task.

Theres no such thing as a solid object. Those of you who have collided with one of these supposed objects may beg to differ. But again, it's a failure to adequately respond to your environment.

All matter is made up of smaller bits, which themselves are in fact not actually bits but because you had an rather unfortunate experience with the baseball, lead you to believe they are in fact; bits. None the less, matter isn't real. Rather its a poor explanation of the resultant forces of energy and to explain such things as variations in mass. You can not divide by zero, and subsequently any therom or formula which involves the author referring to a value which represents nothing is avoided. Why would you want to do that? Who cares to learn about nothing...

...scratch that and keep reading.

Is there a point to this? Yes. Just slow your horses rocketman.

All these non-entities with which you collide daily, hourly, and in fact at all times are a collection of successively lesser collections. To wit, substances are made of atoms, atoms of sub-atomic particles like electrons, protons, and neutrons. Protons and Neutrons (composite particles) in turn are made from quarks. Up quarks, down quarks, charm, strange, top and bottom. Gluons hold together quarks. This goes on and on and on, but you didn't read this to enlighten yourself to string theory.

You have all these little (non)bits, which are truly just instances of energy, racing around like a 3 year old on Christmas Eve with a box of raw cool-aid mix. They can't be everywhere at once. In as much there is a point where the bits of this oh-so-rude impeding object would match inversely those of yourself.

So there is what you define as a problem. How do I get to a point where my bits dont match those bits. (No, not what your thinking.) The odds of you arranging your bits as needed is near infinitum. That being said, speed up.

Infinity is a cool number. Its a result of some real (albeit indescript) number plus more. Well it was a while ago, as it continually increases.

Its kinda like Lotto. If you have a combination, the constiuants made of 6 numbers chosen from 01-49 as does Washington, your chances for each attempt are 1: 6,991,908. Luckily, you dont have to get them in order. Requiring order increases the odds to 6,991,908 to the 48th power. Thats with 49 numbers and 6 positions.

Now take the number of bits you have and the number of positions each can hold, which in itself is actually infinite unless we accept some standardization. You will have to accept it, or this wont work. Following the probability function we used for Lotto, you end up with a really really really large number (squared for good measure). Then having chosen your object of impending collision calculate its positional probability. Now find out where they dont match. You may be in luck that there is more than one. Given the amount of wasted space in varied levels of energy shells, your luck is not all that bad.

And here my devoted readers is the secret for which you have suffered reading. To pass through any object at any time, just simply speed up the energy state of your (non)bits to infinite. Once you do that, you will easily pass through anything, anywhere, at any time....

....wait time isn't real either.

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