Friday, May 9, 2008

Physics chooses the third option

Does light have mass? If light does have mass, does your weight change at night? This is probably another reason some people turn off the lights during... never mind.

What the hell is mass?

Mass can be expressed as a function of energy. Well, the energy of something divided by the squared speed of light. m=E/c^2.


There are a number of definitions of mass which include:
The quantity of matter in an object.
The measurable property of an object to resist change in its state of motion when force is applied. (Perhaps not a definition, but you can see the effect of mass as the gravitational force exhibited by said mass on another mass. This is the definition used by Einstein in his theory of Special Relativity as the mass-energy equivalent. )

Mass is experienced as weight here on Earth. Weight is the mass of an item subsequent to the effective gravity sum of all other objects within the system. In lesser gravity environments objects weigh less, but retain the same mass. In fact, depending on where you are on Earth, your weight may change. Mass multiplied by a gravitational state is the weight. (mg=weight)

Mass is also one observable information about a thing.

Matter is anything that possesses gravitation and inertia. So matter has mass, but does it mean everything that has mass is matter? No matter...

Inertia is the tendency of matter to resist change to its state of movement or non-movement.

Isn't this the same as one of the above definitions of mass? Actually the mass of the object defines its inertial qualities in combination with force. So inertia depends on mass and force. Inertia changes but mass is constant.

Gravitation is the shared attraction between objects. These objects are masses or have mass.

Momentum is a measure of how much a thing is moving somewhere. Mass multiplied by velocity is the momentum. (p=mv) This momentum can be measured as a force exerted by light. Light has momentum. We know it has a velocity (299,792,458 m/s) and since it has momentum we can see in this line light has mass.

Potential Energy = mass x acceleration of gravity x height (PE=mgh). We know mass is constant and gravity is dependent on the mass of the gravitating body or bodies. Add to that, height, and we have potential energy. (This assumes a mass providing gravity and a lesser massed object at some distance from the greater body.) Any mass has an associated energy, or more correctly; an “energy equivalence”. That energy (E) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c^2). (E=mc^2.)

Hey… Nothing can move faster than the speed of light, so how can you square it? (Actually, this doesn't indicate an increase of the speed of light. Rather, since you are equating Energy to mass, it's a conversion factor for the equation.) Equally we can define the speed of light as the square root of the known Energy of an object system divided by its mass. (Good luck with it but E/m=c^2)

Let’s define the mass of a particle as its rest mass. There is a problem with doing this because it denies movement and subsequently we're kind of screwed with previous assumptions.

Getting sucked into a black hole does it lose it's light but not it's mass. Light is a wave-particle. Well it presents itself like it is. Relative mass is total energy divided c2 (e/c2=m). Given the mass of anything, multiplying it by the speed of light squared should provide it's energy. We now have every piece of information about the system. Unless it goes past the event horizon. Stupid paradox.

Since something gets sucked into a black hole and cant escape does it stop at the center including its subatomic particles and subsequently render its energy: zero? Equally does its mass increases relationally and add mass to the hole? Since you can’t see anything beyond the event horizon and light cant escape but nothing can be destroyed, is it really bright in there? Or is stuff really massive?

So when the weight (That stupid mass thing in a given gravitational field) is so high because the gravity is so high the velocity of an object system is less than the required escape velocity for that black hole. If light loses it's mass but retains its energy it can escape, but then its no longer light, just energy? Can energy exist disembodied from some mass?

Since energy is dependent upon the speed of light in the equation

How does the speed of light effect gravity? Can the gravity of a black hole be limited because the speed of light is constant? Can the speed of light be affected by the mass of a black hole? If the speed of light is the fastest thing period, yet gravity can be shown to be dependent on the speed of light and thus limited, light should be able to escape a black hole.

The gravity of a black hole, while immense, must be a real and definable quantity and not infinite.

Since light cannot theoretically escape a black hole.

Assume you have 4 black holes (s, t, u, v), equidistant, of equal strength, and with their absolute centers on one plane. Their spheres of influence (at which they deny the escape of light) intersect at one finite point on the plane, x=0 and y=0. A source of light is aligned to this point on the z axis, transecting the above plane at (r) x=0, y=0. What the hell happens?

The light arrives within the area of effect of all four black holes. They all pull irresistibly and equally. Does the light suspend motion?

The whole farking thing doesn't work for me. Unless this. What happens if the black hole accelerates the speed of light beyond the speed of light and the accelerated speed of light is faster than the speed of information. Can information actually be faster than the speed of light? Wow, Einstein would be wrong.

Mark Twain said “Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't.” To which I add “Physics chooses the third option.”

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The event horizon has been delayed.

I am sorry to inform all of you, the event horizon has been delayed for approximately 2 weeks while a defective light is being replaced. You may ask, how did anyone know the light beyond the event horizon had gone out? Many more however will ask, what's the event horizon? I'll get back to that later.

I took a quiz about depression and I failed. There are at least 6 people more depressed and crazy than I am. At this point, I think I would fail a urine test.

I changed the blog colors. Why? Just because I could.

OK, back to the event horizon thing. The event horizon can be defined as a boundary in spacetime, from beyond which nothing can be observed. In general relativity space and time are completely intertwined. Bend space you bend time. Bend time and you bend space. Therein, you can travel anywhere instantly if you can bend space without breaking it. Given a pair of wire cutters and a clue about the programmers family I could hack the password and break both. (Sidenote: The perfect T-shirt for me)

We start with the black hole. No, not her. A black hole is thought to be a thing (technical term) with absolute definition and such mass (and subsequently gravity) that nothing can escape it's grasp. This would include light and stuff defined as "anything".

Since that which we see is a function of things, or in the case of seeing them, light, we can not see anything beyond this boundary. The bigger the black hole, the greater the grasp and the less we will see.

So, if THE CAT is beyond the event horizon, even if we attempted to see what the cat was doing we couldn't. Does that mean we wouldn't influence the outcome? (Schrodie's Cat T-Shirt)


The thing (different but still technical term) that gets me, is what the hell happens to all that stuff. Take our favorite scalar physical quantity known as energy. According to the law of conservation of energy Energy can not be created or destroyed. Its a LAW and it's on the interweb so:
  1. must be true
  2. don't screw with it.

So, nothing can be destroyed and nothing can escape the hole. So what exactly is going on in there?

Entropy (Another LAW) basically states that all things are moving from a state of order to disorder. (Wait, how does evolution work then???) Yet, you have a collection of energy which cannot escape the event horizon. Stupid Chaos Theory.

What is going on in there is very similar to a small child losing their intestines to a swimming pool cleaning system. (Sadly, the poor girl has died.)

None the less, where does it go? Damn it!!!!!! Its annoying me. I can't get over this. Are you with me? You can't destroy or create energy. (Everything is energy.) It goes beyond the horizon and disappears forever. But everything is going from order to disorder.

Right at the heart of this is the gravitational or spacetime singularity. You can only measure this in infinite terms. Holy crap. Infinity? Wait, what happens if I bust past the event horizon at infinite speed?

Better yet, according to General Relativity (actual NASA link) the Big Bang occurred at one, single, finite, specific, uno, point. Yet a singularity occurs within all these black holes. Okay, you're right, these are curvature singularities.

Actually, singularities are commonly separated as conical and curvature singularities. The differences is whether or not they have an event horizon.

I'm guessing there some serious wackiness going on. I suspect the oil companies are involved too.

Did I mention I'M SINGLE?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Back to the Cat.

Schrodengers cat has so many good uses. 1)Homework 2)Prompt arrival for work or dinner 3) Every fight you have ever had with a spouse.

OK, you all want to know about this cat. The cat is dead and not dead. The outcome of any future scenario is unknown. The only way to know the outcome is post facto. If you observe the incident you influence the outcome. (The cat was and was not and is and is not long before refrigerators had lights.) So ultimately everything in the future exists with all possible outcomes. The part people don't like is when there is a bad outcome. You only know the outcome because you observed it. Ergo, it's your fault for looking.

1) Yes I did my homework unless you asked me for it. Therefor, I don't have it because you wanted it.

2) I was both early and late for this important engagement. I was on time until you asked.

3) Yes Dear. I did say that, but you can't be mad because you wouldn't have been mad if you hadn't asked me. I rightly may have had a completely different answer had you not asked.

It's everyone else's fault. Except the cat. But since you read this YOU made it the cats fault. Or not.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Something to do.

I need something to do. I'm as bored as a Priest at a Girls' Choir practice.

It's not that I don't have things I should be doing. I don't want to to do those because they're not fun. So, I guess more specifically, I need something fun to do. The problem is there is a direct correlation between fun and incarceration. The better the ideas I have and more fun things tend to be for me, the longer the minimum mandatory sentencing guidelines are.

It's not that I'm trying to harm anyone or anything. It's just a distinct lack of any semblance of a sense of humor on the part of the government. Albeit true, I work for said government carefully dispensing anti-fun. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the art.

To take a completely unrelated example, I present to you Murray Head.

Murray Head you ask? Yes, and stop giggling you ninny. You will recall Murray Head as the artist who provided us with the one-hit-wonder "One night in Bangkok". Again stop giggling at the word Bangkok. Apparently, the officials of Thailand were none too happy with this song. Let alone using it in any tourist board advertisments.

The intrigue gets deeper when you learn the song was written by former members of ABBA. Yes, the same band that was solely responsible for the Munich Massacre.

Speaking of Massacres, Kool-Aid is a brand of Kraft Foods Incorporated. That said, why do we spell Kool-Aid and Kraft with a K? To avoid the ambiguity of the oft-mispronouced C? No, I think not. In fact, K is a part of the larger Penguin Konspiracy.

By the way and For what it's worth....

There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear. There's a man with a gun over there, telling me I got to beware. I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down.

Speaking of going down,

Bill Clinton has disappeared from Hillary's campaign in the last few weeks. It's got to be killing him. I'm suprised that he's been able to do it. The guy didn't want to be President. He wanted to be the winning Presidential Candidate. Sure, he's a policy wonk, a teflon Don, and McDonald's poster child. Not because it was part of his ethos, but because that's what you wanted him to be. In fact, he's like a bad sci-fi movie. You created him from inner-scary-secrets. This phenom is documented in the original Ghostbusters.

Now that we're talking about Ghostbusters, we can skip Ray Parker Jr. and examine the oddity which we know to be Walter Peck. There is a distinct lack of documentation showing William Atherton and Kenneth Brannaghghghghghhhh er Branah.. Branagh ever having appeared at the same location.

By the way, Ron Jeremy was in Ghostbusters. It's true. On the Internet and everything.

See, I told you I need something to do. Maybe I'll make fun of the upcoming Olympics. In all seriousness though, I hope ABBA stays away.

Monday, March 17, 2008

My relationship with beer.


Beer and I go way back. Sure we've had our tough times, but it's always seemed to be a relationship for the ages.

Of course, just like any other relationship, we have our fights. We get together most times though, and it's just fine. Right now though, beer and I aren't talking again.

It started out as a great night. Beer and I were having a great time. Then I did something really stupid. I tried to spice up my relationship with beer by introducing Beer to Vodka. Vodka and I haven't talked in years. Vodka and I were really close at one time but we had a REAAAAALLLLLLY bad break-up and hadn't talked since.

But, on that magic night of a St. Patty's Day Party, Vodka was there. Vodka was sitting in little cups, mixed with J E L L O. Beer and I were having a great time. I trusted Beer and Beer trusted me. I, like all stupid people, decided I would try for a three-some. (You know everyone wants to do it once.) Anyway, I went for it.

Beer, Vodka, and I got our groove on. It was a fantasy-happy. We all passed out together.

Suddenly, in a cold sweat I awoke. Vodka and Beer we're having a battle in my stomach and my head. Both made a run for the door, leaving me alone with my headache and an intense urge to die.

Beer and I haven't talked since. I'd like to think we'll get back together. I didn't need more than you, Beer. I'm sorry Beer. I'll never think I need anything but Beer....

...If you'd only let me drink you without an instant gag reflex once again.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's been about a year.

It's been about a year since I posted anything. Not that you noticed.

A lot can happen in a year. Your wife can leave you. Your friend can get cancer. You can believe that nothing is left to believe in.

That's what happened. Not that I want anyone to feel sorry for me. Certainly not. In fact, I'm not sure that I feel sorry for myself. I don't think I do. Rather, I believe I'm rather cold to the whole thing.

And while some my consider my plight rather intolerable; let us look at other people's lot.

Darfur: No one has systematically raped me nor lopped off my hands.

Iraq: I'm alive. I have the ability to write anything I want on this blog, yet I only do so when I get round to it.

China: Again, I can write or look at what I like without fear of being re-educated or executed.

Russia: While I can make jokes about the mismanagement or corruption of my government, I don't truly fear them. I have the ability to redress my greivences.

Afghanistan: I can enjoy my freedoms without fear of the next potential power. As much as I might dislike Obama, Clinton, or McCain - I do not have to fear retribution.

France: I'm not French. Enough said.

Yeah, I pay too much for gas, my dog is going to die, and my wife took me for everything I own. Sounds bad? In consideration of all it could be a lot worse. In fact, God be praised. All is well in my soul.