Does light have mass? If light does have mass, does your weight change at night? This is probably another reason some people turn off the lights during... never mind.
What the hell is mass?
Mass can be expressed as a function of energy. Well, the energy of something divided by the squared speed of light. m=E/c^2.
There are a number of definitions of mass which include:
The quantity of matter in an object.
The measurable property of an object to resist change in its state of motion when force is applied. (Perhaps not a definition, but you can see the effect of mass as the gravitational force exhibited by said mass on another mass. This is the definition used by Einstein in his theory of Special Relativity as the mass-energy equivalent. )
Mass is experienced as weight here on Earth. Weight is the mass of an item subsequent to the effective gravity sum of all other objects within the system. In lesser gravity environments objects weigh less, but retain the same mass. In fact, depending on where you are on Earth, your weight may change. Mass multiplied by a gravitational state is the weight. (mg=weight)
Mass is also one observable information about a thing.
Matter is anything that possesses gravitation and inertia. So matter has mass, but does it mean everything that has mass is matter? No matter...
Inertia is the tendency of matter to resist change to its state of movement or non-movement.
Isn't this the same as one of the above definitions of mass? Actually the mass of the object defines its inertial qualities in combination with force. So inertia depends on mass and force. Inertia changes but mass is constant.
Gravitation is the shared attraction between objects. These objects are masses or have mass.
Momentum is a measure of how much a thing is moving somewhere. Mass multiplied by velocity is the momentum. (p=mv) This momentum can be measured as a force exerted by light. Light has momentum. We know it has a velocity (299,792,458 m/s) and since it has momentum we can see in this line light has mass.
Potential Energy = mass x acceleration of gravity x height (PE=mgh). We know mass is constant and gravity is dependent on the mass of the gravitating body or bodies. Add to that, height, and we have potential energy. (This assumes a mass providing gravity and a lesser massed object at some distance from the greater body.) Any mass has an associated energy, or more correctly; an “energy equivalence”. That energy (E) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c^2). (E=mc^2.)
Hey… Nothing can move faster than the speed of light, so how can you square it? (Actually, this doesn't indicate an increase of the speed of light. Rather, since you are equating Energy to mass, it's a conversion factor for the equation.) Equally we can define the speed of light as the square root of the known Energy of an object system divided by its mass. (Good luck with it but E/m=c^2)
Let’s define the mass of a particle as its rest mass. There is a problem with doing this because it denies movement and subsequently we're kind of screwed with previous assumptions.
Getting sucked into a black hole does it lose it's light but not it's mass. Light is a wave-particle. Well it presents itself like it is. Relative mass is total energy divided c2 (e/c2=m). Given the mass of anything, multiplying it by the speed of light squared should provide it's energy. We now have every piece of information about the system. Unless it goes past the event horizon. Stupid paradox.
Since something gets sucked into a black hole and cant escape does it stop at the center including its subatomic particles and subsequently render its energy: zero? Equally does its mass increases relationally and add mass to the hole? Since you can’t see anything beyond the event horizon and light cant escape but nothing can be destroyed, is it really bright in there? Or is stuff really massive?
So when the weight (That stupid mass thing in a given gravitational field) is so high because the gravity is so high the velocity of an object system is less than the required escape velocity for that black hole. If light loses it's mass but retains its energy it can escape, but then its no longer light, just energy? Can energy exist disembodied from some mass?
Since energy is dependent upon the speed of light in the equation
How does the speed of light effect gravity? Can the gravity of a black hole be limited because the speed of light is constant? Can the speed of light be affected by the mass of a black hole? If the speed of light is the fastest thing period, yet gravity can be shown to be dependent on the speed of light and thus limited, light should be able to escape a black hole.
The gravity of a black hole, while immense, must be a real and definable quantity and not infinite.
Since light cannot theoretically escape a black hole.
Assume you have 4 black holes (s, t, u, v), equidistant, of equal strength, and with their absolute centers on one plane. Their spheres of influence (at which they deny the escape of light) intersect at one finite point on the plane, x=0 and y=0. A source of light is aligned to this point on the z axis, transecting the above plane at (r) x=0, y=0. What the hell happens?
The light arrives within the area of effect of all four black holes. They all pull irresistibly and equally. Does the light suspend motion?
The whole farking thing doesn't work for me. Unless this. What happens if the black hole accelerates the speed of light beyond the speed of light and the accelerated speed of light is faster than the speed of information. Can information actually be faster than the speed of light? Wow, Einstein would be wrong.
Mark Twain said “Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't.” To which I add “Physics chooses the third option.”
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